Finance and accounting ACCA - Sopocka Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
Finance and accounting ACCA

IInd degree or postgraduate studies
Faculty of Economics and Finance
full-time, part-time (hybrid)
professional title
Master (in case of IInd degree studies)
2 years (4 semesters)
language of instructions
Start of recruitment: 01.04.2024
Language preparation for foreigners

ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is the largest and fastest growing international organization associating specialists in the field of finance and accounting.

The ACCA qualification is one of the most prestigious professional qualifications in this field, appreciated by employers all over the world. Find out more about ACCA here.

The aim of the course is to educate competent professionals who, upon graduation, are prepared to work in the field of finance and accounting…

…in the most senior positions in any business entity around the world and the implementation of ACCA’s strategic goals, which include acting in the public interest and acting as a leader shaping the image of the profession and setting the highest global standards in the field of finance and accounting.

We provide a specialty:

  • finance and accounting

check how to enrol:

You can find all the information here.

Advanatges of the course

Who are our studies for?

Studies in the field of Finance and accounting ACCA are for people:

  • who want to achieve a high professional position in the field of accounting, auditing and finance,,
  • who want to learn the principles of modern business management, risk management, strategic planning and law,
  • who plan to specialize in auditing and taxation,
  • who want to learn to navigate in the world of local or international business,
  • interested in learning how to use a uniform global standard of financial and business concepts,
  • interested in a career at managerial and executive levels in a profession related to finance, accounting or management.
Where do our graduates work?

Our graduates work as:

  • accountants, finance directors,
  • tax managers,
  • finance business partners,
  • statutory auditors,
  • financial controllers, reporting specialists,auditors.

ACCA Finance and Accounting graduates can also start their own business.

A prestigious faculty

Combine a diploma from a renowned university with the ACCA business qualification of which only 11 universities in Poland offer as many as 9 modules on a master’s degree programme.

Accredited study programme by ACCA Poland

Syllabuses and examinations at the university are aligned to ACCA standards. This allows SANS students to have part of their ACCA qualification passed based on examinations already passed during their studies.

You gain ACCA qualifications during your studies

SANS is one of the few universities in Poland that offers the opportunity to pass ACCA F1-F9 modules.

Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business

After additionally completing the online ethics module and two chosen modules, SANS graduates with a diploma in Finance and Accounting  specializing in Finance and Accounting ACCA obtain the international Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business certificate, which confirms a high level of knowledge of accounting and finance standards. People who can boast possession of this certificate are highly valued by employers and have the opportunity for promotion to managerial positions and career success.

Studies in English

As the only university in Pomerania, the entire study programme and ACCA module examinations are conducted in English, thanks to which graduates have an open door to take up senior positions in international companies.

The prospect of working in 181 countries

ACCA is a prestigious institution for accounting specialists offering business-relevant qualifications and standards in accounting, finance and management. It is active in 181 countries. Recognized by EU member states, it is active in North and South America, Asia and Australia (more at

ACCA qualification gives eligibility to sit in State Treasury Companies.

Specialisation available in two forms of study

At SANS Finance and Accounting ACCA degrees in English are available as a choice of either a master’s degree or a postgraduate degree.

Global Business Services Qualification course.

Global Business Services Qualification is a prestigious course that develops managerial skills in finance and accounting. The course is completed with a certificate. Students at the Sopot Universityof Applied Sciences can participate in it for free as part of their studies. It is an additional advantage in your CV!

Cooperation with the international business environment.

Thanks to this, students of the Sopot University of Applied Sciences can complete internships in international companies and start their professional careers in the most prestigious companies in the Tricity. There is an Employers’ Convention at SANS which supports SANS students and graduates in entering the job market.

A team of economic practitioners

Classes in this course are largely taught in the form of workshops, laboratories and projects by professionals and practitioners of economic life (ACCA members, finance and accounting experts, accountants, statutory accountants, financiers, lawyers). Internship supervisors from leading companies specialising in finance and accounting will support the learning process, giving you valuable lessons and teaching you practical skills useful in your later professional career.

Our lecturers include: independent accountants, chief accountants, owners of accounting offices, tax advisors, employees, specialists and directors of the National Tax Administration, managers of human resources and payroll departments, economists, financial analysts, city councillors, diplomats and sworn translators.


Fee for all modes: full-time, part-time studies, master's and postgraduate studies

Tuition in EURO – for foreign candidates
I year II year
Annual payment 3200 EURO 3200 EURO
Admission fee 150 EURO



Who does our university cooperate with?

Thanks to the university’s close cooperation with vocational institutions, you will be able to start your first job while still studying!

We cooperate with both outsourcing centres and leading companies recruiting financiers, accountants, controllers. You will meet employees and trainers from partner companies at thematic workshops, internships and regular classes and lectures.

The strategic partners of the university are the Association of Accountants in Poland, Gdańsk Branch, and the Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors, Gdańsk Branch.

see yourself

Opinie ekspertów

mgr Emilia Kruszyńska
ekspert z zakresu finansów i księgowości. Posiada 10 lat doświadczenia w finansach i księgowości, głównie poza granicami Polski. członek ACCA, posiada tytuł FCCA.

ACCA to jedna z najbardziej prestiżowych kwalifikacji finansowych na świecie, rozpoznawalna na wszystkich kontynentach.

Jej zdobycie otwiera przed studentami ścieżkę międzynarodowej kariery. W ramach kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość ACCA studenci w profesjonalny sposób są przygotowywani do uzyskania tej kwalifikacji. Ponieważ kierunek jest akredytowany przez ACCA, po jego skończeniu studenci uzyskują zwolnienia ze znacznej części egzaminów ACCA. Kwalifikacja nie obejmuje jedynie zagadnień związanych z finansami i rachunkowością, ale też znacznie szerszy zakres obszarów biznesowych jak zarządzanie, planowanie strategiczne, etyka zawodowa. Dzięki temu absolwenci są przygotowani do objęcia stanowisk kierowniczych, także tych na najwyższym szczeblu. Na kierunku Finanse i Rachunkowość ACCA skupiamy szczególną uwagę na przekazywaniu wiedzy praktycznej i bardzo dużo czasu poświęcamy na rozwiązywanie case’ów opartych na rzeczywistych sytuacjach biznesowych. Studia te uczą też wielu miękkich umiejętności potrzebnych wszystkim menedżerom, takich jak zarządzanie czasem, określanie priorytetów, czy komunikacja. Kierunek Finanse i Rachunkowość ACCA to idealny wybór dla tych, którzy chcą uzyskać kompleksową wiedzę na najwyższym poziomie; bez wątpienia ułatwiają one szybki rozwój kariery i osiągnięcie sukcesu zawodowego.

Opinie studentów i absolwentów
My name is Eric Uwimpuhwe. I am student in master's degree, faculty of finance and accounting ACCA. I selected this faculty as one of the most respected qualifications that is globally recognized, which will help me to set up a professional career as well as opens doors not only in my own country of residence, but also future opportunities of working overseas.  Why SANS? I selected SANS as the one of top five universities in faculty of finance and accounting ACCA in Poland with affordable tuition fees in addition the best location in TriCity around Baltic sea. opportunities in SANS: after starting my academic course university provided me professional internship opportunity in DNV business assurance company, this will help to me to gain knowledge and practical skills related to my career.
zdjecie autora
Eric Uwipuhwe

Most frequently asked questions





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