Candidates - Sopocka Akademia Nauk Stosowanych



Welcome to our recruitment page for international students!

We are delighted that you have found our website. Our aim is to help you find the perfect course of study that aligns with your interests and aspirations. We invite you to explore our offerings and join our academic community.

Why study with us?

High standard of teaching
Our university offers high-quality curricula taught by experienced and qualified lecturers.
Study by the sea!
Our university is close to the sea. Good quality air, beautiful views and great atmosphere!
Support for students
We provide support at every stage of recruitment and during the course of study. You can count on us!

How to recruit? Don’t worry, we will help you with everything!

Step 1 Register

After selecting the field of study you are interested in at SANS, register in the IRK system for foreigners (click).

Create your account and fill in all the required information. Pay special attention to correctly fill in your personal and address information, in accordance with your identity document, but also other data. Make the enrollment fee to the designated account.


Step 2 Required documents

Then upload your photo (3.5 cm x 4.5 cm) and attach all the required documents:

  • for Bachelor’s degree studies
    • high school graduation certificate (equivalent to the Polish high school diploma), which entitles you to apply for admission to undergraduate studies in the country of issuance of the document;
    • certificate of grades / transcript of grades with the applicable scale;
    • Apostille or full legalization of above mentioned documents;
    • translations into Polish of the above mentioned documents, made by a translator included in the list of sworn translators of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland or translations certified by a consul of the Republic of Poland serving in the country where the document was issued – this is applicable for the documents issued in the countries that need the recognition of high school diploma from (Pomeranian) Education Superintendent (Kuratorium Oświaty).  Translation into Polish can be done after arrival in Poland, but at the recruitment step we require a sworn translation at least into English (only if your documents are in a language other than English) – it is applicable only for the countries that don’t need the recognition of Education Superintendent (see the list there: ).
  • for Master’s degree studies
    • diploma of bachelor’s degree, entitling to apply for admission to a master’s degree programme in the country where the degree was issued;
    • a copy of the grades (diploma supplement) with the applicable scale;
    • above mentioned documents must bear Apostille or full legalization;
    • translations into Polish of the above-mentioned documents, made by a translator included in the list of sworn translators of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Poland, or translations certified by a consul of the Republic of Poland serving in the country where the document was issued. Translation into Polish can be done after arrival in Poland, but at the recruitment stage we require a sworn translation at least into English (only if your documents are in a language other than English).
  • Certificate confirming your Polish/English language skills (B2 European level) – depending on the language of the studies you have chosen. Don’t have such a document? Apply to us by e-mail and we will arrange for you a short online conversation with a teacher, who will determine your level of language proficiency.
  • Visa or other document confirming legal residence in Poland (if you already have one).
  • Confirmation of payment of the recruitment fee and tuition fee for the 1st year in advance.

       You do not yet have a certificate or a bachelor’s degree, because you are still a pupil/student? While waiting for the issuance of your diploma or high school diploma, you         can register in the system, but you will not be able to obtain a certificate authorizing you to apply for a visa (until you provide the required documents).

The document must bear an Apostille if issued in a country that is party to the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961 (Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents; Journal of Laws of 2005. No. 112, item 938). You can check the list of countries on the Hague Convention website. Select the appropriate country and find out where you can execute an Apostille.

The document must include full legalization if issued in a country that is not a party to the Hague Convention. Legalization is carried out by:

  • the consul of the Republic of Poland, competent for the country on whose territory the document was issued, or
  • educational authorities of the country on whose territory the document was issued, or
  • accredited in the Republic of Poland or another EU/EFTA/OECD member state to a diplomatic representative or consular office of the country on whose territory the document was issued.
Step 3 Deliver the documents

Print the system-generated documents (application form, agreement and student oath), sign them and attach them to the system.

Step 4 Wait for confirmation

Once your application is marked as „confirmed” in your recruitment account, you can move on!

Step 5 Payments and certificate

Pay the fees (recruitment fee and tuition fee for the first year of studies) and receive the confirmation letter necessary to apply for a visa.
Remember! The recruitment fee (150 euro) is non-refundable, and tuition fees in case of visa refusal are refundable with a deduction of 100 euro for bank fees associated with the refund.

Transfer details:

Santander Bank Polska S.A. Branch 2 in Sopot
Address: St. Chopina 6, postal code: 81-752 Sopot

EURO account number: 77 1500 1706 1217 0005 9276 0000



Step 6 International Cooperation Office

After receiving your visa and arriving in Poland, you are welcome to visit the International Cooperation Office (room 021) to present your original enrollment documents and provide your high school certificate in original for recognition by the Board of Education.

Study with language preparation! In Polish or English

Studying with language preparation is an intensive programme for all candidates from countries and outside the European Union to learn Polish or English, and prepare them for undergraduate, engineering or graduate studies at Sopot University of Applied Sciences.

Studying with language preparation not only develops language skills, but also prepares for a variety of courses, such as Business, Management, Culture.

The programme is aimed at candidates who would like to study at SANS, but currently do not have a sufficient level of Polish/English language skills. Studying with language preparation will not only improve students’ skills and create a solid knowledge base for further education, but will also prepare them to adapt to a new culture and meet in an international environment.

During the first year, the focus is on acquiring skills in Polish or English (all four language skills are practiced). In addition, the programme offers a social pathway module, through which participants can learn about Polish culture, academic life and the University’s facilities and environment.

This will make it easier for students to continue their studies at the University and pass all exams on time and obtain a diploma with a good grade.

Participants will receive a letter of conditional acceptance to the chosen field of study for the 2025/2026 academic year. Upon successful completion of the first year of study with language preparation in the academic year and submission of all required formal documents, students will begin their studies in the chosen field of study.

Study with PL/EN language preparation

Fees in EURO 
First year (1st and 2nd semester of study with language preparation) Following years of studies
Payment for the year        2000 EURO tuition fees according to the chosen field of study
Recruitment fee        150 EURO
That's how many candidates of different nationalities register in the Online Candidate Registration.
The university currently hosts students from more than 26 different countries.
partner universities
Within the framework of the Erasmus+ international exchange program, we have managed to sign more than 20 agreements with partner universities, and the number is constantly growing!
directions in English
We have developed 4 dedicated study programs in English specifically for international students.

Do you have doubts about any stage of the recruitment process? Any questions arise? Feel free to contact the International Cooperation Department, which handles the recruitment of foreigners! You can find our emails below: (English speaking candidates) (Ukrainian/Russian/Belarusian speaking candidates)

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